It starts with sleep

We know how important sleep is for optimal health and performance. Sleep is when we restore energy levels, repair tissues, and remove waste. Besides decreasing the risk of numerous chronic diseases, sleep helps to regulate appetite, improves mood and mental clarity, and increases immune function (which is particularly important right now!). Bottom line - sleep is essential for your mental and physical health and performance. 

One of the biggest changes we are facing right now is, of course, not having a regular schedule. We no longer have to be at the office at a designated time, we don’t have to take kids to school or extracurricular activities, and other than the odd meeting, we can pretty much set our own schedule. With all this freedom, it can be tempting to sleep in well past when we normally would get up. While this might sound awesome at first, this can lead to a slippery slope of going to bed late and sleeping in. 

Why is this a problem? 

The research is clear that sleep consistency (going to bed and waking up around the same time every day) is just as important as the total amount of sleep you get. So while you might be getting a full 8 hours of shut eye, you’re likely not getting the quality of rest you think you’re getting.  

Optimal health and performance starts with sleep. So NOW is the time to get back into your regular routine and take back control of your schedule.

What are we finding in the research?

According to the National Sleep Foundation guidelines, setting a consistent schedule is the number one thing to implement during this pandemic. Click on the link below to read more recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation.


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